Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday, Faith and Family

I'm so glad it's Friday.

For some reason, I'm exhausted. Like I've really done something this week. Just the normal with preschoolers, cooking meals, washing all the dishes, washing all the clothes and hanging them out, changing stinky diapers(and for the record...boys diapers are more stinky than girls...why is that?) going to the school three times a day, Portuguese no less, cleaning a house that's much bigger than I realized, scooping dog poop out of the yard so I don't have to keep washing shoes covered in poop, doctoring boo-boo's, fixing hair every morning...never mine, the "school girls"....mine is always last, if it ever gets done, bathing kids, blow-drying hair...etc...

And while I'm typing this I am reminded that my fridge is kitchen counters and appliances are greasy...and so is my hair...Overwhelmed...yep, that's the word.

Enough of that...let's move on to something praise worthy.

This week, during music class the teacher asked for a volunteer. She wanted someone to sing a song of their choice and use their newly made instruments, water bottles filled with rice. Faith, having to always be the center of attention, excitedly raised her hand and was called on by the teacher. She got in front of the class and sang "Jesus Loves Me" in English. The teacher loved it and drew her a crown on the board as her prize. The teacher asked her to sing it again and Faith did it gladly. The teacher then gave her two more crowns, for a grand total of 3!! She was so excited about getting three crowns. I was so excited to hear that she sang about God's love in school. The Portuguese kids know enough English to get the drift of the song, and the music teacher I am told, speaks English. ---What do you think about that?! Pretty Cool huh!

The weather is beautiful. The trees haven't changed colors really, but it's cool and crisp and reminds Michael and I of football season. I love this time of year and I miss my fall decorations I had to leave in the States. However we are looking forward to a visit from my Mom and Stepdad the first of November.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Good for your little girl. Isn't it a blessing to see our children take a stand on their own for the Lord?
As a side note and this may be ignorant, but your kids go to regular Portugese schools? Isn't language an issue?

Erica Lynn said...

Overwhelmed is a word I am familiar with. So much to do, not enough time. I like the family picture, it's very good. I'm praying for you.

Rebekah said...

Sounds like some interesting instruments...water bottles filled with rice!

So are the seasons in Portugal similar to the seasons here?

Also, we're looking into getting a new camera, and since your pictures always look so nice, I thought I'd ask your advice. Which brand do you think is better, Canon or Nikon?

Tabatha said...

Way to go, Faith! It's so amazing to see how God works out ways to share His word.... "out of the mouth of babes"

As for the fall decorations, when your mom reads this, she should take a hint! (Pack some fall decorations and get some Christmas decorations for Nina too!!!) You think she'll take the hint??!! LOL!

Tori Leslie said...

Aww, that's really sweet, I'm sure you're really proud of her.

Hope you get things done and you start feeling more like yourself soon!

Starla said...

That is great!!! Good job, Faith! :)

Heather said...

Great job Faith! :) It seems like the girls are doing well in school. LOL - it really must be one of those weeks, because I'm so glad it's Friday....October is flying by! Praying for you!!

Anonymous said...

Yea, Faith. Jesus needs bold young ladies who are not ashamed of His name. I am so proud of you.

Nina, I can relate to how busy you are. I remember feeling it was like a vaccation to go to the bathroom alone. I love your new haircut. Thank you for thinking of me with the special pictures today. They always brighten my day.

Michael, I am reading The Shack for the second time. It does make one more aware of God's great, unselfish love for His creation. I am learning to cherish time with Him in a fresh way.

I love you all and long to see you.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your children are doing well in school. Thanks for commenting back. I had always wished my dad would have taught me Portugese when I was young, but he wouldn't. He was in the mentality that we were Americans, so we didn't need to learn. I think he probably wishes he would have taught us now.

Sandy said...

Sounds like on a mission field is just as overwelming as it is here in the states. That is the norm for a mother of five. especially when they are young. I'm not sure why boy's diapers are sticker, but I agree. Love to hear from you and your adventures. God is so good. Seems like I am saying that a lot lately. All the time.

"Ain't God Good" as your Uncle Bro. Danny would say.
Love ya,

Pam--in America said...

That's great, what Faith was able to do! It sounds like you have a good little witness there.