There's no Candy Corn where I live....sniff...sniff.
There's not even a store near me that has one Fall decoration on it's shelf.
The nursery down the road didn't even have one pot of mums today when I stopped by.
And to make matters worse, my seven year old referred to my scarecrow I pulled out of storage as "the little hay man".
I guess she doesn't remember when I would decorate our home with scarecrows and pumpkins, or the trips we made to the pumpkin patch. I have always had more fall decorations than Christmas ones. I hated taking down those scarecrows to put up a tree. Can she really not know what a scarecrow is? Maybe she knows the Portuguese word for it instead....yeah, I'm sure that's it.
Sooooo many things were left in America when we came here. Who knows, under the influence of temporary insanity, all my decorations may have been sold in one huge box for a buck-fifty at one of our many yard sales.
That makes my head hurt.....and my heart.
So today I mourn.
So goes the life of a missionary wife.

If you want some candy corn, e-mail me your address and I'll be glad to send you some. Is that something that is allowed to be mailed overseas? By the way, I'm really serious, I'll send you some.
I'm so sorry,I have so thought about you latley,with all the fall stuff around,,
I'm going to do a fall post just for you!!!!!!
love you,,
My heart goes out to you!!! Maybe someone can mail you some!!! Would it make it through customs???
So now, it's time to teach about scarecrows and what they are!!! You can do it!! Make some home made crafts that will help your heart!!
I vote for one of your American friends to send you some candy corn!!!
I have more decorations for fall than I do for Christmas as well. When we were in Uganda the Science homeschooling course my first grader was taking covered the four different seasons. It was hard to explain to him when all he experienced were two seasons: wet and dry. I feel for you!
What are the "seasons" there where you are at? Is it like here in southern GA? or further south, with no changes?
My dad is from the northern woods of WI, and the fall leaves are so beautiful to see.
How long will your family be missionaries in Portugal?
Blessings & Aloha!
We have fall here, but they don´t know what the NY fall is like. It´s something I too missed greatly in the beginning.
Thanksgiving will be tough without decorations. We get as many pumpkins as we can and we also go out and get leaves.. the kids make leaves and we use nuts and whatever else we can find. But I empathize.
Every year someone sends out ex co workers candy corn. I raid theirs. I think someone now will think to send you all some. jeje
Wish we could do Thanksgiving together but we have football and karate that doesn´t stop for Thanksgiving here. Alas!
My heart is with you and knows and feels what you are feeling. Misery loves company, girl!
Please know that it was not my intent to hint around to see if someone would mail me some candy corn or fall decorations.
Thank you for those who've offered, but I'd feel horrible if I let you send me some after I whined about not having any.
Besides, my sweet friend Rebekah has informed me that she already had some candy corn in the mail to me when I did the post....so I'll be able to eat every last morsel of them guilt free!
(Thanks Rebekah!)
You ladies are amazing!
Thank You!
Candy corn is the best!
I know how it feels to be living in a land beyond the sea far away from your customs and traditions.Can you find substitutes. Make a scarecrow with some hay, maybe the kids will enjoy that.
Don't feel bad---people always want tangible ways to bless you! This could be it...be on the receiving end--it's ok!!! Really!
Okay, so last year I had someone in the US send me some candy corn because I too missed it! But, instead of rejoicing after the whole family ate some...we all got sick! I didn't remember how sweet they were! Too sweet!
Anyway, the blues get better as you go. The first couple of years are hard but it just keeps getting better after that! We're praying you thru this one!
Big picture: there will be more people spending eternity with Jesus because you are doing what you are called to do! Just think, heaven probably has all the candy corn you can eat!
Isn't it funny the thing we realize we miss when we don't have them? And isn't it interesting the things our kids, growing up in a different country, get used to? Like opposite seasons. My kids think June, July, and August are winter! So weird!
Is funny the little things we would miss when we are in a different country. It happened to me when I lived in the States and now it happens again living in Spain :)
I´ve been following your blog for a while, but this is my first time to comment - (sorry, I´m kind of a lurker type, just can't ever think of something to say :-) But I could really relate to this post. I too am a missionary-wife-mother. We live in Ecuador, South America and so "fall" is all in our heads :-) But over 3 years I´m starting to gather "fall" stuff to enjoy here in our home. One year I even went out to the yard and cut some twigs off a tree to make a wreath with some fall type ribbon that came on something else that we got from the states. I didn´t feel at all like you were "griping" just sharing your heart with a few of your closest friends! I think that the people in the states that are praying for us and supporting our ministries, want to know how they can pray better and what things they can do to make our lives a little easier. I also think it encourages them to know that we are real people with real desires and to be able to share those things with them helps them to be more involved in our ministry. Keep up the good work. I REALLY enjoy reading your blog. I´ll try to be better about not "lurking" too :-)
Candy corn is the best!
I feel your pain...we are going into spring here in Chile (gotta love living below the equator!)Fall has always been my favorite season(I love the colors, the crispness of the air...and HARVEST...praise the Lord for a time of harvest). But here it is sooo different. I love little decorations; I guess it makes things more cozy to me. Here, people only decorate at Christmas. They all think it's kind of strange that I have a wreath hanging on my door when it's not Christmas. A friend here told me it says "una gringa viva aqui". I just laughed and left it. After all una gringa does live here. WE just have to make the most of what we have with what we have been given as we plant, sow, and reap along the way. This makes me think of the time before we left the states when God provided me with the money to order a 220V crockpot(which they don't have here). I really wanted the stainless steel one but it was more than the white one. I wanted to be a good steward of what the Lord had given so I ordered the less expensive. WHen I received the box and opened it,to my surprise, it was the stainless steel one. That showed me even the little things matter to God. Praying He gives you a special blessing today.
I would feel bad if I couldn't have candy corn.
It may be the little things that you are missing but I KNOW that you and your family are missed everyday. I can only imagine how you folks must feel at these special times of year that they know that you so much enjoy.
I know that God has you there for a purpose and in that day, it will not matter about any of this but today, my heart weeped for you and yet it was thankful that you and your family were willing to GO. For who would tell them if you were not there to tell them. I don't know you but I love you for all that you give, I just want to say "thank you." connie
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