Candle in the Corner Winners!!!
571- Tracie- Taiwan
489- Lindsay- Portugal -- (Woo Hoo! Contact me Lindsay!)
602- Nancy- Paraguay
439- Mellie- Spain
402- Gena- Russia
462- Garry- Argentina
6- Maria- Brazil
135- Theresa T.- Botswana
42- Joyce- South Africa
620- Elaine (Extra entry for linking)- Montana
106- Maribeth- Uganda
415- Tanya- Indonesia
The total amount raised: $4065!! Praise the Lord! This amount will be split between all the missionary families that participated in this event!
Thank you to Heidi for all your hard work to make this event not only possible, but successful!
A very special thank you from my heart to those of you who gave! May God's abundant blessings shower you!!

Well praise the Lord...what a blessing!!
WOW! I'm blown away by this project. Praise God for His blessings!! It's awesome.
Wow. THat is wonderful.
Congrats to the winner.
May the Lord bless the money raised for the furtherance of the Gospel
Very, very awesome event! Blessings to all the wonderful missions families! This was such fun being a part of and learning about the families following and doing what the Lord has placed on their hearts.
Blessings & Aloha!
(And very excited about the amount raised! And to be one of the!)
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