From the looks of
Bloggy Land, everyone is pretty busy these days. I'm not the only one who's posting randomly these last few months.
I don't have much to say really except that we are enjoying summer to the fullest. Just around the corner lurks the dark, cold and rainy Portuguese winter days, so I plan to live life to the fullest right now while I can.
I thought I'd share a few photos showing some events that took place during July.

The first news I'll share with you is by far, the most important. My second daughter Faith accepted the Lord as her Savior while at summer camp last week! We are thrilled that the Lord answered our prayers and that she is now a part of the family of God!
Michael and our three oldest kids went to camp last week. They had a wonderful time, and returned with arm loads of toys, pool floats and dirty clothes! I stayed home with these two

We had a nice time just relaxing and enjoying one another. I actually became bored at one point. Only having two kids to care for left me lots of time to wish for the return of the rest of my family.
My "babies" played so well together....Trinity took care of Justice as if he were her son...which only left me with even more time on my hands.

We laughed and we played....

In the middle of July we hosted a "think tank' meeting with others that serve in various areas of the church in
Braga. It lasted all day, and of course included lunch.

We went camping one night.....ahem....that's all I'll say on that subject.

We received a surprise package in the mail from a precious family in Mississippi! These are ALWAYS a highlight of being on the mission field!

And so that brings us to August. Michael's mom and step dad will be visiting us later this month, so we are in preparations for their arrival. The month of August is traditionally the month of vacations. A lot of businesses close for the month or at least for several weeks. Vacationers from all over Europe come for the beaches and warmer weather. The roads and grocery stores around me are packed with folks speaking all different languages. Church attendance is down considerably as folks are traveling visiting family. Everything slows way down this time of year. So we'll try to enjoy it as school will begin the middle of September and our busy lives will resume their normal hectic paces.
So, until next time...happy summer