I find myself confused at times. Wondering why I feel like I do....19, 20, 21 year olds aren't supposed to feel that way, right?
Please, those of you a little older than I am...or possibly even younger....please tell me when I will finally accept that I'm getting old?
I still see myself (in my head, certainly not in the mirror) as a young bleached blond in love with a West Point Cadet dreaming of our wonderful life together. Wondering what exotic place the Army will carry us after his graduation......
Somewhere along the line kids started popping up in my house....weird.....I fell in love with them too.....and I did end up in an exotic place, only it wasn't the Army that sent me there.
So.....in my confused state, this is what I know....(not much!)
I know:
I'm 20 in my head
40 in my body
hate glasses
live with headaches
in love with a handsome cadet
live in an exotic place
in love with 5 rug-rats
but still wondering where they came from
not enough time has passed to have 5 kids
I'm in denial that I'm getting older
I love my life as a missionary wife
God is Good!
Thankfully and Confused-fully yours,