While getting ready for service tonight, (which starts at 9:00!!! Will I ever get used to that?!) I saw this.......
Thanking my Lord for the privilege to call on him.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Mom, is it my birthday yet?
Being programmed to stand and smile when he heard his name, Justice still struggled to obey. "Mom, they always laugh at me" was his response when given the 'evil eye' from Mom.
His sisters, each in their own varying degrees of pre-teen drama, stood and smiled. One, quickly and meekly. One with the flip of her hair and a cock of her hip. One that actually curtsied. The last, waving with her presidential smile.
His Daddy, as always, introduced our family. Starting with his wife, then the oldest child to the youngest. By the time the congregation had seen the display from each of his sisters, and Daddy made a 'short joke'..."Son, are you standing?! I can't tell!!" ...Justice was mortified.
Mom, pushing on his backside..."Son....stand up!"
After a lightening speed 'stand up-sit down', his Daddy would say "Justice is 4...almost 5. His birthday will be on the airplane."
How could folks not giggle at him....he's so darn cute.
But he doesn't understand that. All that mattered to him was his birthday.
But to Justice....it's wasn't done.
The next few days were filled with much stress. Packing, repacking, unpacking, packing again. What goes back to Portugal? What stays. Do we have room? How much does this weigh? What is most important right now? Pictures of my childood, or pictures when all the girls were babies? Both can't go.....
Justice played, watched American cartoons and enjoyed the last minute attention from grandparents. All the while counting down in his head....thinking....."on the plane will be my birthday!"
We arrived at the airport in a whirlwind of last minute plans coming together.
Is Bro. Calvin here? He's supposed to take our van.
Where is Pawpaw supposed to meet us? We can't go through security yet, he's not here.
Gramps and Toni made it. Gramps is never late. (Like his oldest son)
Do any of our trunks weigh more than 50 pounds? "Lord, please no....I want everything that's in them!"
Deep breath....
Oh look, Bro. David came to say bye...but we're already in the security line. Run, leave bags, quick hug.
Inconsiderate people. Only concerned about themselves. Not offering to help a family of 7 with stuffed carry-ons, and help 5 kids remove their laced up, double knotted tennis shoes. They pass us by in a huff....
"Patience, Nina......we don't have to do this for another 3-4 years."
Security alarm goes crazy....I look up...Lib is standing, eyes wide....."What did I do?" She, my 'collector of little things' has an old, worn out cell phone in her pocket....Daddy takes it out roughly, tossing it into a tote going down the belt...frustrated....Lib gets a tounge lashing.
Justice still thinking...."It's about to be my birthday!"
We get on the first of three planes.
"Where is everyone sitting? Who's scared? Who's more scared and needs Mom or Dad next to them? She got a window seat last time! That HAS to go under the seat in front of you, for the 6th time! My stomach feels queasy and nervous. Did you even eat breakfast? I left my picture at Mimi's! I'm SO ready to be home...."
These are random phrases floating through the air of the 4 rows our family takes up.....
We take off and I try to leave my stress and anxiety on the runway as we ascend.
The seat belt light goes off.....Justice looks at me....."Mom, is it my birthday now?"
"Not yet" I tell him. "On the next plane, the really big plane that takes us over the Atlantic ocean. On that plane you will turn 5!" I try to sound excited for him. My head pounding.
5 Hours later........
On the big plane, he sits in the row behind me. With his biggest sister, surely she can handle him and let Mom and Dad sit together. The flight attendant arrives, "Um, excuse me mam (In terrible English) "you have to stop your son from pushing the call button. He keeps calling the flight attendants."
Deep sigh...defeated......"Come up here son...sit with me."
He's seated, buckled, playing his new video game. I start dozing off.....
"Mom.....Mom....(poking me)...Is it my birthday now!?!"
I look at my watch, foggy headed trying to think what timezone we were in...."Yes, son. In Portugal, it's your birthday."
Anticipation in his eyes, he starts looking around. Almost in a panic.
Then it dawns on me...
He was expecting a PARTY on the airplane.
Exhausted I explain that's not what I meant and not what his Daddy meant everytime he heard his Daddy tell churches that he was going to turn 5 on the airplane.
Brows furrowed, he frowns.
"You are NOT the nice Mommy right now." he says.....
At that point, I didn't care.
I giggled, kissed his head and went to sleep.
"A Very Happy 5th Birthday, to my One and Only Son!"
I Love You Justice!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Bikini Shine?
Yesterday we picked up our van from having it cleaned in preparation to sell......
I can't help but think these men shined my dashboard with their old undies!!
(Hanging on the line to the right...next to where the mats to the van were.....)
Just a little bit of what we 'see' all the time......
~Thanks for your kind comments about the kids yesterday. Everything turned out fine......
Prayers from Portugal,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
They're Yours Lord
I have a ratty notebook beside my computer full of post ideas. While washing dishes, I'll think, "Oooo, that's a good thing to blog about!" I'll run, suds-covered hands to my computer and scribble down something illegible, something that I just know you guys would love.
Then, two days later when I have 2.3 seconds to sit and write, the topics in my notebook (if I can read them) seem dumb..... shallow.......
This morning my heart is heavy.
Those corny ideas will have to wait for another day.
My thoughts are on my children.
Today officially begins the school year. Three girls are already out the door while the remaining two are still in bed, awaiting Mama's call to 'rise and shine'. (Man, I could go for a Hardees biscuit right about now..)
Those oldest three.....that are gone, not to return today until after 5:30.....that will spend an entire day away from Mom and Dad.....that will make their own decisions without council from us.....those three, precious souls that God adores....those same three are on my heart.
"Lord, they're yours. You blessed us with them....blessings they certainly are. But from the moment we knew for certain they were on their way, we prayed, giving them back to you. We're not capable, us alone in ourselves, of raising them. I can't be with them always, as You can. Speak to their nervous hearts this morning, encourage them to do what's right, what's honorable. Help them to shine today....a light in this dark land. Bless them I pray......"

Then, two days later when I have 2.3 seconds to sit and write, the topics in my notebook (if I can read them) seem dumb..... shallow.......
This morning my heart is heavy.
Those corny ideas will have to wait for another day.
My thoughts are on my children.
Today officially begins the school year. Three girls are already out the door while the remaining two are still in bed, awaiting Mama's call to 'rise and shine'. (Man, I could go for a Hardees biscuit right about now..)
Those oldest three.....that are gone, not to return today until after 5:30.....that will spend an entire day away from Mom and Dad.....that will make their own decisions without council from us.....those three, precious souls that God adores....those same three are on my heart.
"Lord, they're yours. You blessed us with them....blessings they certainly are. But from the moment we knew for certain they were on their way, we prayed, giving them back to you. We're not capable, us alone in ourselves, of raising them. I can't be with them always, as You can. Speak to their nervous hearts this morning, encourage them to do what's right, what's honorable. Help them to shine today....a light in this dark land. Bless them I pray......"

God's Protection,
Thursday, September 8, 2011
We're Back!
After three crazy action packed months, we're back home.
I have so much to tell you and many pictures to post, but first,
- I have to get the cobwebs out of my house,
- Get my husband and Liberty feeling better,
- Find out when the kids start school,
- Pet my dog for the one thousandth time since arriving home 16 hrs ago,
- And recover from this most serious case of jet-lag.
Back very soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I have so much to tell you and many pictures to post, but first,
- I have to get the cobwebs out of my house,
- Get my husband and Liberty feeling better,
- Find out when the kids start school,
- Pet my dog for the one thousandth time since arriving home 16 hrs ago,
- And recover from this most serious case of jet-lag.
Back very soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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