Friday, May 9, 2008

Sad Good-Bye

This morning at 5:45 am I left my Mother at the airport. With tears streaming down my face I made my way to my car not caring who noticed my tear stains. I already missed her. When I got home I immediately began to wash clothes and take advantage of the early morning hours without any kids to interrupt me. As I put clothes in the washer I heard this faint "mom" whispered behind me. It startled me at first then I turned around to find Faith standing there with messy hair and squinting her eyes. She said, "Can I say goodbye to Mimi?" Holding back the tears I told her Mimi was already at the airport and that she needed to get back in bed. Very sadly she said, "yes ma'am" and made her way back to her room. On her way up the stairs she began to cry. ---I know exactly how she feels.

After a week of fun with Mimi it was time to get back to work. We got back on school with the kids, and we had another language class too. Boy could I tell we had a week off. It was hard to get back into the swing of things.

(Notice how both Brooklyn and Faith squint their eye when they look into the does their Daddy!)


Anonymous said...

As I sit here reading your latest post Iam crying so hard I can hardly see. Its Mother's Day and my mother is not here to take a gift to and take her out to lunch after church. I miss her so much.. and Nina I see your face standing at the airport waving good-by to me. I'am a basket case this morning. I miss you and her so much. Pray for me...
I love you Mom

Anonymous said...


Nina in Portugal said...

I love you too Danielle.

Molly said...

How well I remember this feeling. It is so hard.

My mom visited us in Hungary right after our first son was born. She stayed for almost 3 weeks, and the emptiness when she left was so deep.

"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." Matthew 19:29

Have you listened to my newest podcast, Giving Our Children to God? It's short, just 14 minutes. The topic is about allowing the Lord to do as He wills with our children, but it has a strong emphasis on might find it encouraging, Nina. It's in a yellow widget on my blog.
