Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our Latest Prayer Letter

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Anonymous said...

Nina, thanks for sharing your prayer letter.

I've been thinking about learning Portugese. I don't why really. I guess I feel I need a challenge. I took 2 years of college Spanish and cannot speak a lick of it. I'm terrible with other languages. I actually almost didn't get to walk on graduation day because of Spanish, but thankfully I crammed and prayed more than ever in my life and passed my final. :)

I'll be praying that you do well in your studies.

Anne said...

Thanks for sharing your prayer letter - it sure was a blessing to me:).

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord for the victories you are seeing in the language. I know it´s a long process! Keep on keeping on. One day you will actually dream in Portugese and get all mixed up with your English. jeje.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nina, What a great report! Yes I will pray for these dear ones whose hearts are being stirred. The Spirit's works when we don't even see Him! How cool is that? lol. I wrote down the http of the new website - and will check it out after the first. And I am so glad the Lord has given you another venue to share His words of wisdom... God's blessing be upon your work. It is cold here - snow on about 100 feet of altitude on the San Jose mountains!!! Can you believe it? Wow.
God be with you, dear sister.
Love and comfort to all.
Margaret, The Salt Box