Finally, 16 months after telling Living Waters Baptist Church that we had to leave La Grange to shine our lights in a country full of darkness, we were about to board the plane!
Those 16 months were hard on me and I was glad to see the preparation time come to and end and the next phase of our ministry begin....even if it did include learning a new language.
We're about to go to the gate with Ms. Lora our helper for 2 weeks. She was (is) such a blessing!
All 16 of our trunks going through security.
Saying goodbye
To precious friends....
and family.
They had the heat on high this morning! (Notice Trinity's dress!)
Walking to the gate....
This picture was taken at about 4:00 am. Our plan was for all the kids to be asleep on the 7 hour flight. But as you can tell, our plan didn't work!

Just arrived at our new home....finally!
Waiting on daddy to find the right key.
"Hey Mom...look what God left for you!! Your favorite flower!"
Isn't HE amazing!?
"Mom..we have a million oranges on the trees!"
And 16 trunks to unload.
Our first trip to the market.
Those were fun days.
Thanks for taking a stroll down memory lane with me.
Happy One Year Anniversary to us.

Happy Anniversary! You are a very strong brave lady! God has really blessed you all. :)
En hora Buena! As we say here! Feliz Aniversario! Praise the Lord for your witness in this dark and dying land! Did I mention we have a Portuguese lady in our church? She and her husband (Spanish) have been such a blessing. She was saved her in Spain, but goes back every so often to Portugal. Many of her family members were saved but are living far from the Lord now.
The little bit of the house I can see looks amazing!
Times goes so fast, we are about to have our 2nd anniv here in Spain and it feels sometimes like we have been here forever, but at the same time like we just got here.MAy all be for God's glory.
I remember this day very well. I was at work.. trying to work... but couldnt for thinking about all of you leaving. I remember how upset Grandma was when she called me crying that a man was not so nice about "THE 5 KIDS" that were about to make him misriable for the next 7 hours. And how excited you were when you finally reached your new home! Nina I have to tell you how proud Iam of you. You do an outstanding job with my babies. You had me worried during those teenage years, but Im sure glad The Lord got a hold of you and Michael.
Happy Anniversary and thanks for sharing your memories with those of us who didn't know you then!
Happy One Year!!! What awesome pics and great memories! You've made me think of my first year. Although I'm glad I don't have to relive it, it sure had some special moments.
I am so blessed to see your mom's note above! Also, I love to see your pictures from a year ago! You sent trunks over? how? via ship? Tell me please:). We did all our stuff through suitcases...such a pain! did you ship any furniture?
Thanks for taking us on your stroll. Those are great pictures you've got to chronicle your journey to another world.
Wow, happy 1 year anniversary!!!! Time sure flys! We will be celebrating out 9th year in Croatia this year it seems like yesterday we were celebrating our 1st
Again Congrats!
Happy anniversary.
Love your photographic journal
Waaaaah! You would ave to emind me again.... I hope the Lord provides a way for a visit to Portugal in the near future! (for us, of course!
Give me a call sometime....
Happy Anniversary! Wow - has it been a year? No wonder your little ones don't look as little as I remember them. It seems like just last month we were eating with you in the basement of our church. :) I'm so glad we got to get to know you a little. We're praying for y'all!
By the way, thanks for blogging. I read every post, even though I don't often comment. I love getting to see what your life is like.
Cute photos!!! Thanks for sharing!
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