As a junior in high school I choose photography as an elective simply because, well I mean, how hard could it be to take a picture?
I wasn't interested in foreign languages or advanced sciences and getting out of class for a trip to the park for a photo shoot sounded like a dream come true. I was already signed up for PE where we went bowling at a local alley AND home economics where all the cute but dumb guys were so unless I wanted to study, photography was it.
My mom was shocked when I brought home the "required items" sheet of paper.
~manually operated camera
~photo paper
~developing solutions
~other items I can't remember the names of
Well, she did what all divorced moms seem to do. She said, "Call your Dad!" And that's just what I did.
Even today if I called my Dad and said, "Dad, can I have....." He'd do everything in his power to provide it. Something I try real hard not to take advantage of. So after a quick phone call and discussion I had the camera and items needed to get started in my "gravy" class of Photography.
Little did I know that my teacher, we'll call her Mrs. Flower, was a hippie from way back. She smoked pot, at least that's what the dark room smelled like after she'd been there, but she put a love for photography in my heart. I managed through all the art history she forced down our throats, so I could have my special time alone in the dark room. Where my negatives would come to life as I dipped the paper into one solution after another. Black and white photography is my passion, but I'm learning to like color too.
Photography now is different than it was then. No more wasted film, paper, developing fees.....Just erase the bad ones and shoot again. Who doesn't love that?!
So...to answer your question Dani Joy and Tammy, I use a Fuji FinePix S8000fd. It offers automatic and manual settings, but I pretty much just stick with the auto settings. It has a fabulous zoom for close up and for far away objects as well without additional lenses. Suits this "wanna be" photographer just fine.

OK I read all the blog. But I can't get pass you going to the bowling alley to bowl. What? I was ripped off!!! LOL!
I took a class in high school but don´t remember much. It was so different then like you said.
plus all these automatic point and shoot cameras don´t do pictures justice.
YOu do a great job!
Great newsy post... don´t think I could handle a pot smelling dark room though. :/
funny how we both are on a plateau with our fitness journey.
Someone just wrote and said we have to trick our bodies into giving up the fat. HMMMM????
hey lovely family!!!
how are you??
I just came to say hello because I dont have internet at home and i've been so busy. But I miss you and I just want to let you know that Im always thinking about you and praying for you!!!
You got a house and its so cute!!! We're moving on wed. It will have just a bed but we are so excited!!!
I got a job, just 2 days a week but its a nice job and I have time to be a house wife!!!
Miss you!!!
My DD has a FugiFinepix 5200. She takes beautiful photos with it. (DH gave it to her a few years ago when he bought a DSLR.) I still cannot believe he bought a bridge camera before a DSLR, but, well that is a long story. There are a couple of reasons behind that and one is very sweet. :D I will share it one day.
Good camera.
Will have to check that camera out next time we're in the States. Ours is pretty outdated. I enjoy your photos! :o)
I love to take pictures too...I always have my camera with me...hubby says I hide behind it (I hate my picture taken)I guess I need to start taking more of myself before I get old and wrinkly....I will have something to look back on huh!? ;o}
Have a great Sunday!
I always wish I would have taken some classes. I love it, too. Capturing the moment is so special!
You take very good photos.
Fun thing you learnt.
i have posted some old black and while photos on my blog today
I also enjoy taking pictures. I love the closeup shot of the flower.
You do take great pictures!
I love all the pictures you take, like the beautiful blossom in your header!
My family no longer allows me near a camera. I have twp daughters tho who are quite good at photography!
I loved your story. It is inspiring.Your pictures are always so good. I am glad you found a love for photography. connie
The class paid off! The photography on your blog is lovely, I especially like the flowers on your header right now. Did you take that one?
Oh and what else did you "use" while in that dark room, dear Nina? *winks*
Nina, I just posted some "You might be a missionary if's..." on my blog. Stop by, and I'd love to hear what you could add! :o)
I love photography, too! I have a 35mm SLR, but sadly the film door broke and so the film gets exposed. I tried taping the door shut with duct tape, but the tape stretched enough to let in light. :(
Just before Christmas I got my first digital camera, not a digital SLR which I've been drooling over, but it's still a nice one that you can do manual settings on, too. Someday I hope to take a photography class and learn more about light, shutter speed, etc.
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