Decorating for Christmas accidentally happened early for us.......like the week before Thanksgiving early.
That's just not right....I know.
But...we had a great time, even Daddy participated this year which was a rare treat! Usually, after he hears the first Christmas song played on my Bing Crosby CD...that ruins him for the entire season. ---I'm still not quite sure what got into him this year to actually plan a date to decorate the tree.....and that date being BEFORE Thanksgiving. But I'm not complaining!
In trying to keep with my frugal decorating habits, I proudly purchased my first ever can of snow! I excitedly opened up the package of stencils with beautiful snowy visions dancing in my head. But what I ended up with was a huge, wet, nasty, waste of money mess. Take my advice, spend a little more and get window stickers. Snow in a can is not worth the savings.

"Yeah....It's Christmas Time in The City....I mean ....Portugal....and Nanny and Pa Paw are coming to see us!"

Finally I've got kids tall enough to reach the top of the tree. I remember when all the decorations hung on the bottom third of the tree. I would leave them there, no matter how bad I wanted to move them around after the kids bedtime. It just didn't seem right to rearrange them.

I don't have to worry about that any more......they grow up so fast!
I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. We had a fantastic time! After celebrating with three American basketball players that are here without family, we went on Friday about 1.5 hrs south of here to celebrate with three other missionary families. I forgot my camera...gasp!...so I don't have pictures. You'll just have to take my word on it....we had a great time!
Ministry opportunities are abundant right now and we are staying extremely busy these days. The services at both of the churches we are ministering in are going well, with two ladies accepting Christ as their Savior a few weeks ago!
I'm about to busy myself making baked goods in an attempt to minister here locally to neighbors and shop owners. We are so thankful and grateful for the friends God has placed in our lives these last 22 months. It's hard to believe it's almost been 2 years.
God is Good!
Love you all.....