Here is a picture of the girls when they were about 5, 4, 3 and 1.
This was on Easter morning. The ladies of my Sunday School class collected money for me (I was the Pastor's wife) to buy all us girls new Easter dresses. It was the first time and has been the only time all of us had new clothes to wear to church on Easter. Those ladies were such a blessing to me! (Some are reading this now.....thank you again!)'s a picture I just took last week. The girls are now 10, 9, 8 and 5. (see why I feel old?!)

Hope you have a great weekend and Happy Valentines Day!
I've already received my gift! (My husband is never good at keeping surprises)

Oh, I love seeing the girls when the were babies! I am so glad you are joining in on FPF!
It´s so fun seeing the changes as sometimes we just manage to get through the days. We can look back and say, "Hey we made it!" Or as I have been looking back lately saying, "Oh, they were so cute then!" LOL
Missin you, Hope to connect with you this weekend. WE have a lot going on, but I need MI NINA!
Big hugs
Dani Joy
I'm feeling old today myself.
The girls are beauties. Love the Easter picture. That was really sweet of your Sunday School class. It's kinda shocking seeing the two photos together and how much they've grown. I don't think I realize how big my own kids have gotten until I look at an old picture.
Enjoy your weekend and V-Day!
Your girls are so adorable and they really are growing up!
Your girls are so beautiful. On the inside and out. LOve ya,
Great pictures! And I'm still amazed at how my children can age when I don't! : )
I will never forget that day,
It does'nt seem like that long ago,does it??
Another thing I remember looking at trin is she never would let me hold her, till she wanted to go to sleep, I know crazy thing to remember,
I miss yall more now, yall should come for a visit,
Love you so much,
They all look so beautiful in their new dresses!!!! And look at the young ladies they are now!!
you have some beautiful girls
My husband hasn't gotten me anything yet~'cause like your hubby, he can't stand to keep it hidden. He always wants to give it to me right away.
what a beautiful memory!! and those girls are getting big! :)
You have some precious little ladies! I remember when mine were small like that... sometimes I just wish I could freeze time! LOL
Our family ran into some friends of yours, Melissa Hivner and her husband(I can't remember his name). We were staying in the missions apt. at the church they are at. I saw your pic on their fridge and she mentioned that they support you guys. (small world)
Love to see your girls when they were little next to the photo of them now...How fun!
Happy belated Valentine's day!
Blessings & Aloha!
(yay! a few days off from work, so am catching up a little on my favorite blog reads... I have housework organizing and drawing orders to get to too :o) hubby is the same way...he gets ot grinning and gets antsy when he has a surprise gift for someone.
Thems my sweeeeet babies!
I have tried to leave a post on Brooklyn's blog several times but it wont take it?
Any way I was going to tell her she could sleep with me when I come to visit... I bet Justice wont like that at all!
Love you, Mom
they grow up so fast!
God bless you sweet angels. I was telling my Mom about the meaningful names you have given your children
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