Trin: You know..when the bee showed his........huh, Daddy, what did you say?
Daddy: "Trin, say 'girl'...."
Trin: "guhhl"
Faith: ...giggling ..."Trin, say 'squirrel'....."
Trin: ...."guhhl"......
All of us..laughing hysterically
brief lull
Faith....humming to herself as she pulls the burnt bottom off her pig in a blanket.
Trin: goes to the bathroom...wait.... she came out of the bathroom and went to the bathroom upstairs...
Faith: "Excuse me....excuse me again...."
Mom: What's your problem?"
Faith...."I burped." "Just thinking about Beethoven"
Mom: "what about Beethoven?"
Faith ...In Beethoven 2...the eating contest..and the end when Beethoven called all his kids and the house shook because all those dogs were running down the steps! Moe, Dolly, Chunky..and what was the other ones name?? ......."Hey Moe, what do you know? Do you have a friend named Joe?"......what's so funny Mom? ...... Are you writing about me?!"
Mom: ...trying to change the subject..."Hey Trin, where'd you go?
Trin: To the bathroom.
Mom...."Why is everyone scared of the downstairs bathroom?"
Faith...."I'M NOT scared of it!, but everyone else is!" There was a spider in there once!
They all left....I think they figured out what I was doing. be continued

Kids conversations are great!
Too funny! Do you ever get confused with what's going on?
How did you keep up with the typing!
I totally relate to this converstaion! nothing makes sense. A lot like our dinner converstaions. LOL
Have a lovely day!
Dani Joy
haha!! even though, I couldnt quite follow it all! I'd love to try that out just the hubby and I at probably wouldn't be as entertaining! :o)
...but more like: *insert cricket sounds here*... or me saying "what, Honey?' (my hubby insists that I get a hearing test done, but I think that y problem is that I am thinking of multiple things at a kinda not focused...sorry, that's off topic!)
Blessings & Aloha!
This is great , you never know how funny they are til you do write them down, love that you are doing that,
gives me a idea,???
I love when you do funny post..
this is so funny! I can just hear Trin saying.... guhhl. And then her getting mad cuz someone laughed!
The last time I was there one of the girls told me there was a spider in that bathroom.
I miss my grand children!!
Love Mom
You have a future in court stenography.
Hahahahaha! Oh, I miss y'all so much!
I need to start recording or writing down our conversations.... they happen so fast, and then the kids grow up so fast! (Sigh)
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