even though it's at my house?
Maybe I can just bring the Dixie plates and cups...
if I could actually buy them here.
How many grocery stores do I have to go to....
before I find some sweet potatoes?
How do you spell potatos..potateos...potatoes..anyway?
Could the weather be any drearier...
and is there any chance Alabama will beat Auburn this Friday?
I answer yes and no to those questions.
My precious friend Pat is bringing 'stuffing' to our dinner....
my family always made 'dressing'.
Sweet Potatoes/potatos/potateos are supposed to be orange inside....
but here they're white.
Makes for an unattractive casserole.
Did I mention that Pat's husband is an Auburn fan...
what are the chances I can skip Thanksgiving dinner?
(Seriously...I'm very excited about Thanksgiving and celebrating it with some of our American friends this Friday. My casserole won't be pretty and orange, and I'll have to wash all the dishes since Dixie won't export to Portugal but I'll enjoy every last bite of Ms. Pat's stuffing and watching the Alabama/Auburn game....even if it's with Auburn fans. All is well in my little corner of the world and I have MUCH to be thankful for.)