Time is winding down, and preparations are in their final stages.....less than two weeks before we leave for furlough. Lists have been made and many things already crossed off......
- Get furlough vehicle to Birmingham.
- Find a sitter for all my gorgeous Orchids.
- Organize the dungeon. (our junk room)
Decide what luggage to use and how many pieces will be needed.
- How many vehicles will be needed to take us + our luggage to the airport?
- Find a
Dog sitter, cat sitter and turtle sitter.
Buy 60 kilos of dog food for Major.
- Leave fridge running, or shut it down?
- Make checklist for house watcher & dog/cat sitter.
Install electric fence to keep dog from wandering.
- Decide what songs the kids will sing and in which language. (I stress THE KIDS, not me.)
This is only a sample of my to do list. My schedule is in high gear lately, and the work in the ministry is showing no signs of slowing down. (Praise HIS name!)
Trinity helping instal the electric fence.
Justice trying to be sweet.
He asks me daily, "Mom, are we going to Amewica today?"
Last weekend we had a Convívio das Casais. (Couples meeting)
It was a precious time of fellowship, prayer and of course, Eating!
Some of the dishes. Michael made the dish on the left. It's called Baclhau à Brás. (Cod fish and Potatoes)
Salad is amazing in Portugal, once you get used to olive oil and vinegar.....Now, I'll have it no other way!!
I'll certainly miss the fresh, daily bread!
Singing praises!
Ms. Dawne stayed upstairs with the kids to give us parents an evening with other adults.
I'm going to miss these people.
So...since I'm thrilled to be visiting my homeland, but torn about not seeing my friends and church family here.....does that mean I'm officially insane, or officially a missionary?
I think the two go hand in hand.