Tomorrow is a holiday in Portugal. The kids are out of school.
It's Immaculate Conception Day.
Yep, a holiday to celebrate the virgins miraculous conception.
I don't have a problem with it really...a holiday is a holiday and I'm for any day that I can sleep in.
But my thought is this....Mary either had a really short or VERY long pregnancy, if she delivered on the 25th.
If pregnancies were only two weeks long, I might would have a few more kids.
Kidding Mom....Dad....I was only kidding.
Seriously, it doesn't even have anything to do with Mary's pregnancy, but rather when Mary herself was conceived. Explain that one to me please. (Wait.....I wasn't born yesterday, I know
how it happened. But why is it considered immaculate?)
Here's a quick family update:My husband is recovering from a very weird virus that left his body almost crippled. He's doing somewhat better. He's able to hold and use his toothbrush now....we're all thankful for that.
My son is still potty training. They always say it takes longer to train a boy. After 4 girls, I'm beginning to think potty training a boy is going to take as long as it is for me to learn to speak Portuguese.....correctly, anyway.
Trinity, who has been in school for almost 3 months now, responds to me in Portuguese more than she does English. She actually understand the cartoons on TV now and she plays fairly well with her classmates. That's IF they don't tell her she's not the prettiest girl in the school. Because Trinity is convinced otherwise.
Liberty, who has been seeing a pulmonary specialist has experienced quite a bit of relief from her allergy symptoms and coughing episodes. For this we are grateful. At least the hours we've spent in the doctors office have done some good, because all he seems to want to talk about is our large American family and how "deliciously intriguing" we are. (His words, not mine.) Strange I know. He even took out his cell phone and took our picture.
Brooklyn...well, I'm not sure how she's doing. I'll ask her when she finishes this book.
Faith is trying to convince me we need to keep the stray Husky that has wandered into our yard and refuses to leave. Michael even refers to it as my "step-dog" saying I can let him sleep in the dog house outside while Major enjoys the comforts of our home. He's temporarily been named "Private". Major is in charge around here, and Private knows it. But as long as he keeps howling at the moon and killing my neighbors rabbits, he will soon be called "Dead".
Me? Well, I'm enjoying the Christmas season. Praising the Lord for another soul saved last night at church. Orlando, a man we've asked many of you to pray for for a long time now, accepted Christ as His Savior last night! We praise the Lord, but still ask you to remember him in prayer as he still has quite a struggle ahead of him. We're in the process of moving into a new church building, which we desperately need. God worked out all the details and we are encouraged about the ministry here in northern, Portugal.
We are blessed!