Jillian Michaels.
She told me this morning that she is the meanest personal trainer there is....and you know what? I believe her.
She scares the daylights out of me.
The next 30 days are going to be pure torture.
As I put in my new 30 Day Shred DVD each morning and subject myself to torturous, rigorous exercises I'll be thinking about how fabulous my shoulders and biceps will look when it's all said and done.
Maybe this DVD will make me tan and have white teeth too. (Look at her...she looks like she's ready to eat someone!)
Day 1 - down
29 - to go
I've traded in my cigarette smoking Curves instructor, for this flesh eating trainer. Her voice alone intimidates me and when she looks into my eyes (ahem...camera) and tells me how hard the next 30 minutes with her are going to be, I'm ready to run back to bed crying.
Tomorrow morning as I open the door to the "gym", I'll walk in with a little more respect for her. Because after one workout, I've discovered muscles I forgot I had.
You might even hear me respond with "Yes, Mam!!" After each command.
This lady is no joke.